Ho hum. Pets AGAIN

Only days after ending one Double Pets event — and wiping out most of the gold for large segments of the Wizard101 community, KI started yet another event today.

Not only do I not have the gold, but having hatched multiple times over the last couple of events with NOT ONE successful pet, I’m disgusted and done bothering again for who knows how long, so another pet event leaves me utterly indifferent.

If you still have some gold and harbor hopes of creating the pet you desire, good chance to have at it; at least the whole boring process goes faster.

These events must be coaxing some serious crown spending on elixirs for KI to run this event so many times.

About yogaleigh

Twenty-five years and counting on spiritual, personal growth journey. I've been to Nine Gates Mystery School, practiced yoga since 1985 and taught it off and on for the last 10 years. I've sat vipassana, studied with a Hopi elder for 2 years, practiced Hawaiian Huna, and dabbled in other traditions. Health and wellness have been very tied up in my journey - in fact I'd say issues in those areas propelled me into the spiritual journey. Still learning, still growing -- sometimes I think I like the journey to enlightenment too much to wish to reach it.

Posted on January 4, 2019, in Pet Peeves in the Spiral, Uncategorized, Wizard 101, Wizard101 Basics and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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