Sick of pets

I was remiss about posting the umpteenth Double Pets event held this last weekend.  Just couldn’t get excited.  I didn’t even participate until Saturday night and then just worked again on two pets I’ve been trying for for ages.

In both cases I’ve lost track of the number of generations, but I think both are somewhere between 15 and 20.  And both failed again.  This time at Mega, which always irritates me even more since I find pet training dull and boring.

For one of them every hatch has been with the pet pictured above.  I put it in the kiosk and have hatched with another account both from the kiosk and, when the pet was unavailable, in the hatchery with the “owner” wizard.  So same pet every time, still can’t get the talents.

No other wizard on my account can ever see a pet in the kiosk put in by a wizard from the same account; not sure if that’s on purpose or a glitch.  So the other wizard, being on the same account, has been hatching at the kiosk with other pets.  And since this has been happening over multiple Double events, I’ve not been able to choose the same pet every time, just the same stats.

This is one of the things I like least about the kiosk:  because of the nature of pets coming and going (hatches take them out for an hour and they’re only in for a week or 10 hatches and people don’t always put them back in) you can’t guarantee hatching as many times as you need to with the same pet.  Every time you hatch with another pet, you add to the potential talent pool and make it harder to get rid of unwanted talents.

I’ve felt for a long time that KI should quit putting all manifested AND unmanifested talents from both pets into the potential pool and limit it to the manifested talents of the two.  It would still lead to variations and a frequent need to hatch more than once but it would narrow so these insane 20-30 generation projects would be less likely.

And the kiosk frustration has led me to wonder why they can’t fix it so any pet you’ve hatched with shows up somehow in your “My Hatches” section and stays available for as many hatches as you need; barring perhaps the hour-long absences when someone else has hatched.

It’s becoming clear to me that KI makes boatloads off the various elixirs they sell related to pets, which is why they both have Double Pet events more often than any other and also why they’ve stacked the hatching process against us.  But to me they’ve just made it so frustratingly tedious I wind up not participating in many Double Pet events and often have long spells when I do nothing with pets at all.

It would be interesting to see a study on how much they gain in sales versus how much they lose to people being so frustrated they just quit trying…

About yogaleigh

Twenty-five years and counting on spiritual, personal growth journey. I've been to Nine Gates Mystery School, practiced yoga since 1985 and taught it off and on for the last 10 years. I've sat vipassana, studied with a Hopi elder for 2 years, practiced Hawaiian Huna, and dabbled in other traditions. Health and wellness have been very tied up in my journey - in fact I'd say issues in those areas propelled me into the spiritual journey. Still learning, still growing -- sometimes I think I like the journey to enlightenment too much to wish to reach it.

Posted on January 28, 2019, in Pet Peeves in the Spiral, Uncategorized, Wizard101 Basics and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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